The membership is free and it helps us ensure that everyone attending our activities and events has been suitably vetted. Please read our full full Membership Rules..

​ Three good reasons for becoming a member

  • It won’t cost you a penny.
  • You will receive regular updates about our activities, events and resources.
  • The bigger the membership the more we can all have a voice regarding support for adoptive families.

There will be 3 steps to your registration:

  • Step 1 – your connection to adoption
  • Step 2 – about you (contact details and information)
  • Step 3 – the information we need to check your connection to adoption

Step 1 – your membership

We understand that adopters may want friends or family members to accompany them to events or activities, or to attend some information session, therefore we have created a membership option for friends and family. A member who is an approved adopter (with adopted children) is able to validate their partner (e.g. a step-parent or partner who cannot officially be validated by a social worker or official paperwork), as well as close friends and other family members.

Only registered members will be able to book tickets for our events and activities.

Please have your referee (Social Worker / authorised professional / other adopter) contact details or Adopter certification ready to submit.